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As a 5G industrial router R&D engineer, I would like to share some cases where the SR510 has brought value to customers in practical applications.

Last year, our team assisted a provincial electric power company of the State Grid to use the SR510 router for the intelligent transformation of substations. Previously, the equipment monitoring system inside the substation was relatively backward, with problems such as untimely data collection and unstable network transmission, which affected the operation and maintenance efficiency.


We deployed multiple SR510 routers inside the substation, and through their powerful edge computing capabilities, we achieved on-site analysis and processing of massive equipment operation data. The SR510 supports up to 32 DI/DO and 8 AI/AO interfaces, which can collect key parameters such as temperature and voltage of transformers and switches.

At the same time, the built-in 5G high-speed network module of the SR510 can transmit the processed data back to the grid dispatch center in real-time. Even in the substation environment with strong electromagnetic interference, the SR510 can ensure a stable 5G network connection with the shielding effect of the metal casing, reducing the transmission delay to the millisecond level.

In addition, the SR510 also supports precise Beidou/GPS time synchronization, ensuring time synchronization of data from various devices, which is crucial for strict systems like power grids.

Through the SR510 router, the equipment operation data of the substation has achieved a leap from minute-level to second-level, enabling operation and maintenance personnel to remotely monitor the equipment status in real-time and promptly detect and deal with potential fault risks. Management efficiency and grid reliability have been greatly improved.

This is just a microcosm of the SR510's application in many industries. Its strict industrial-grade design, powerful edge computing and 5G communication capabilities, flexible interfaces and SDK make it a powerful helper in the industrial Internet era, empowering digital transformation for more industries.

Case use products:

5G Industrial Router’s Extreme Applications: Unmanned Factories, Remote Operation and Maintenance, Real-time Monitoring

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